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Research Vessel Yellowfin

How to Book

SCMI’s R/V Yellowfin is a well equipped vessel that has the availability of meeting a variety of research and educational needs. To book the R/V Yellowfin, please email Carrie Wolfe, with the following information included:

  1. Name of university or agency.
  2. At least 3 possible date options (or a range of dates that would be sufficient).
  3. Start and end times of the cruise. While we have the ability to accommodate different times depending on the needs of the trip, it would be appreciated if you can fit your booking into an A.M. time slot (0800-1200), P.M. (1230-1630) time slot, or full day time slot.
  4. Brief summary of the goals of your cruise/what you aim to accomplish.

Please note, only 40 participants are allowed onboard the R/V Yellowfin per cruise.